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Soul Beauty & Balance 

"The Mission"











Hello everyone:

My name is Loni Willis, and I am the Publisher, Creator and Media Personality of "Soul Beauty and Balance."SB&B" is a combination of media entities designed to promote self-empowerment through wellness and optimal beauty from the inside, out. One of my deepest desires in this lifetime is to encourage individuals to elevate and obtain optimal wellness. I view spirituality and optimal health as profound gateways to many versions of wealth. I believe that when we are in a state of optimal wellness, it enhances the journey to success. How we take care of our bodies by eating, sleeping, and exercising  can play an integral part in our "outward appearance." I am a firm believer external beauty is not everything. However more often than not, outward appearances are a part of "first impressions." Nothing beats a healthy appearance. More importantly how we think, pray and/or meditate is imperative because it can affect the vibrations we send out into the world. When our vibrations are higher, this emits positive energy which can in turn attract people, places and scenarios we need most to fulfill our purpose. Even the individuals you surround yourself with can play a huge part in your journey to success. I've come to realize a great number of us struggle on a daily basis with finding a balance among our day-to-day routines. With multiple people and multiple scenarios pulling us in multiple directions, it can become downright stressful and even lead to severe fatigue and depression. This type of frustration can drastically minimize the amount of time spent sowing into our God-given goals. Having a concept or vision we want to push out into the world, with little to no time to shape and sculpt it can be excruciating. We all want to become successful individuals, however there are so many challenges which impede the journey, especially for women. Our dreams appear somewhere off in the distance, but seem to take forever getting there. I feel the answer to reaching our destinations, is in finding a balance between our outer-worlds and our inner-worlds.  Balancing the "world within," with the "world without" is the "Master Key" (according to the book entitled "The Master Key System").

I would love to see millions of people signing on to this heart-felt campaign, although my target audience is primarily composed of business-minded females and entrepreneurs: between the ages of 25-54. Men who understand and support the importance of this campaign realize the profound and positive impact it can have on us all. Nowadays, women are kicking down many walls to get to the other side of things, but as the cliche goes... "the struggle is real." The struggle can be even more intense if you are a mom, a wife/significant other, daughter, good friend or etc. Many men and other family members bear witness to these struggles and have empathy for these types of challenges. For a great number of women, entrepreneurship is the most feasible route to take if your lifestyle would benefit from having a more flexible schedule. Being a divorced mom with an autistic son, I definitely fall into that category. Having a (recently widowed) elderly father who requires a great deal of attention makes it even more heartfelt and challenging. 

I believe we are all one and that when one of us succeeds, collectively it contributes to the larger picture of integrated success. Anytime one of us has a victory, it inspires the next person, another individual, and so on. This is what I see as "The Domino Effect." "The Domino Effect" can generate a profound "Quantum Shift" among us all. At the end of the day, I believe this in turn creates a society of deeper love, understanding, progress and productivity.


The Targeted Audience for “Soul Beauty & Balance,” is composed primarily of business-minded females and entrepreneurs ages 25-54. Web visitors of any other demographic are strongly encouraged to engage in our content as well. The majority of our material is comprised of interviews with women who have risen from the phoenix, or in the process of rising. Through it all, they have come to understand the importance of balance necessary to obtain profound goals. Additionally interviews and discussions with males are available who shared their concepts of what soul beauty, balance and resilience mean to them.  Our hope is that all “Soul Beauty & Balance” material is found equally compelling.



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