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On "Becoming"

Last year I had the distinctive pleasure of reading the latest publication by Michelle Obama entitled, “Becoming.” The title alone was enough to captivate me, because it immediately suggested it would involve “infinite growth and evolution.” These are topics I’m extremely passionate about. So yes, I was reeled in like a moth to a flame. I’ve always been an individual who has found great inspiration and enlightenment through the journeys of others. Even family members and friends of mine can attest to this. One of my favorite programs to enjoy on any given day is a biography. Gaining incite on how an individual pushed through adversity to continue “Becoming,” genuinely inspires me. Truth is, we all go through episodes. In the interim, I feel most of us attempt to work hard and remain as focused as possible. I for one am no stranger to hard knocks, and my reason for creating “Soul, Beauty and Balance” is to be of encouragement to us all as we stay the course. I feel it is imperative to do this regardless of how much time is required to obtain our goals. Better to obtain goals later, than perhaps not at all. Bad knocks, hard rains and random hits seems to come at us sometimes like “drive bys.” However, I believe these hits come to strengthen and propel us to the other side of greatness. Believe it or not, practically every hit I’ve taken for my son and I has allowed me to realize strength and determination I never knew I had. Over time I must say that I have “become” a tough little cookie. Everyday I continue becoming all of what God is calling me to be, yet marvel at how someone even after being a “First Lady” can acknowledge her journey in much the same way. As accomplished as she is, Michelle Obama is still humble enough to understand we never truly plateau (contrary to what some people choose to believe). How refreshing it was to discover how even a competent, qualified and well deserving First Lady of the United States could acknowledge the same thing. I love and admire how she has allowed herself to become so vulnerable to readers and any potential critics. Over the years... her humility, strength, poise, resilience and beauty has consistently captivated me. Michelle Obama in my book, is an unyielding epitome of what “Soul Beauty and Balance” is all about.

I can say quite honestly that “Becoming” was the absolute best, most relatable and engaging read I’ve ever experienced. Once I started the journey of “Becoming,” I could not stop. However, at moments in which I needed to take a pause, I could not seem to get back to it quickly enough. For practical purposes I “say” to you that I read the book, but the truth is... I was Blessed to listen to the audio book. The audio book enabled me to engage in "Becoming" continuously, barely missing a beat. Whether I was at Walmart, driving in the car, at home cooking or doing chores I could still indulge. As I listened intently with my son in the car, I was pleasantly surprised of how he seemed to be engaged as well. Whenever I notice his YouTube is paused and one of his ear phones is hanging freely, that's a pretty good sign. He’s paying attention. Although my son has autism, this guy takes in so much more than one might imagine. Always very perceptive and well in tuned.

Aside from the fact Mrs. Obama is and always will be the most beautiful, intelligent, articulate, poised yet down to earth Flotus this country has ever has seen... I was smitten with this book for several reasons. First and foremost her story was so brilliantly told. The other reasons involve some of our commonalities over the years.

Michelle Obama and I literally come from the same places. I can relate so heavily to her journey not only as a woman, but an African American woman from the South Side of Chicago. Although she was six years ahead of me, we attended "Bryn Mawr Elementary School" (now renamed Bouchet International School) at the same time. Both of us in attendance from Kindergarten to 8th grade. Even with her being 6 years older, I can honestly say I remember seeing her face around campus frequently enough. Not the adult face we see now, but the face of a very juvenile Michelle Obama. One thing I never forget is a face. Names may escape me from time to time, but never a face. My recollection of her back in those days “was here and there,” but what I remember most about her is being one of the “Big Girls” around the school. From what I can remember, she was a big girl who always looked to be about the business. Very smart, disciplined yet a little serious. Younger girls always seem to have great respect and admiration for the "big girls.” My female classmates and I practically idolized them, and could not wait until it was finally our turn to "become" one.

Listening to Michelle talk about our principal Dr. Lavizzo, the teachers we both knew and what it was like to be a student at Bryn Mawr really touched me deeply. It awakened dormant memories that inspired me to pull out some old school 70's music. like, “The Isley Brothers.” I could literally smell the wood scented hallways and the infamous lunchroom food.

(To Be Continued...)

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